Archive Siberian Research, 2019, 2, (2) > Academician Kaznacheev-en

Academician of the RAS V.P. Kaznacheev. Outstanding scientist and talented organizer of medical researchers in Siberia and the Arctic


Neustroeva T.S.


Annotation. Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev was born on July 17 1924 in the city of Tomsk. His scientific activity began in 1945 (after treating a wound received in the Great Patriotic War) with the study of transcapillary exchange and microcirculation. In 1963 he defended his doctoral dissertation and became the Head of the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute and led the Institute until 1970. Under the guidance and assistance of V.P. Kaznacheev, in 1971 the Siberian Subsidiary of the Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR was founded, which was soon transformed into the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. In 1980 he founded the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (ICEM). ICEM researchers began to conduct researches that analyzed the mechanisms of human adaptation to life in the North and other extreme situations. Vlail Petrovich trained 52 candidates and 30 doctors of sciences, published more than 800 scientific papers in the field of medicine, made 15 inventions and discoveries. He also published 52 monographs in Russia and abroad.


Key words: academician V.P. Kaznacheev, life and scientific activity, memory.

For citations: Neustroeva T.S. Academician of the RAS V.P. Kaznacheev. An outstanding scientist and talented organizer of medical researches in Siberia and the Arctic // Siberian Research. 2019. 2 (2). P. 31–41,

Received October 10, 2019, accepted for publication November 20, 2019, published December 1, 2019.


About the author

NEUSTROEVA Tatyana Semenovna, PhD, Senior Researcher, Research Center, Medical Institute, Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova, 677009, Yakutsk, St. Builders 8, Russia, e-mail:




1. Borisova S.I., Brezhneva G.L., Evloeva G.K. et al. 40 let Sibirskomu otdeleniyu RAMN (Otv. Red. Akad. RAMN Trufakin V.A.). [40 years to the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Ed. Ed. Acad. RAMS Trufakin V.A.)]. Novosibirsk: АРТА, 2010. 210 p. [In Russian].

2. Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev (k 75-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev (on his 75th birthday)] // Terapevt. arh. 1999. № 12. P. 79–80 [in Russian].

3. Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev (k 75-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev (on his 75th birthday)] // Byulleten SO RAMN.1999. № 3–4 (93–94). P. 129–130 [in Russian].

4. Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev. Site « Biokvant ».  «Uchitel – cvet nesuschiy» [«Teacher - Light of the carrier»]., access 17.11.2019. [In Russian]

5. Efremov A.V., Novikov V.D., Evstropov A.N. Uchenyie Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta v XX veke. [Scientists of the Novosibirsk Medical Institute in the twentieth century]. Novosibirsk. 2001. С. 12–22, 109 [in Russian].

6. Nikolaeva I.I., Shamovskaya - Ostrovskaya S.G., Kuimov A.D. K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Vlailya Petrovicha Kaznacheeva. [On the 90th birthday of academician Vlaiil Petrovich Kaznacheev]. [in Russian].

7. Puzyrev V.P. Ocherki o V.P. Kaznacheeve, akademike [Essays about V.P. Kaznacheev, academician]/ Sibirskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal. 2009. No.3 (vyipusk 1). P. 132 – 134 [in Russian].

8. Kaznacheev V.P., Neustroeva T.S., Khasnulin V.I. Izmenenie svobodno radikalnogo okisleniya i lipidnogo obmena u stroiteley BAM. Tezisyi dokladov 7-y Vsesoyuznoy konferentsii «Biologicheskie problemyi Severa». Adaptatsiya cheloveka k usloviyam Severa [Change in free radical oxidation and lipid metabolism among BAM builders. Abstracts of the 7th All-Union Conference «Biological Problems of the North». Human adaptation to the conditions of the North.].1976. P. 53 – 55 [in Russian].

9. Gichev Yu.P., Polyakov Ya.V., Khasnulin V.I., Neustroeva T.S. et al. Biohimicheskie sdvigi u zdorovyih lyudey pri kratkovremennom prebyivanii v Zapolyare [Biochemical changes in healthy individuals with short-term stay in the Arctic.]. Fiziologiya cheloveka. 1979. T.5. v.2. p. 293 – 299 [in Russian].

10. Neustroeva T.S. Osobennosti perekisnogo okisleniya lipidov eritrotsitov u bolnyih koronarnyim aterosklerozom Kraynego Severa i Sibiri. [Features of lipid peroxidation of red blood cells in patients with coronary atherosclerosis of the Far North and Siberia]. Diss. Cand. Medical Sciences.-Novosibirsk.1990. 185 p. [In Russian].

11. Neustroeva T.S. Pokazateli perekisnogo okisleniya eritrotsitarnyih membran i lipidnogo obmena u bolnyih aterosklerozom. Problemyi obschey patologii hronicheskih protsessov v klinike i eksperimente. Nauchnyie truda Sibirskogo filiala AMN SSSR. Otvetstvennyiy redaktor akademik VP Kaznacheev [Indicators of peroxidation of erythrocyte membranes and lipid metabolism in patients with atherosclerosis. Problems of the general pathology of chronic processes in the clinic and experiment. Scientific works of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Executive Editor Academician VP Kaznacheev]. Novosibirsk.1977. P.73 – 78 [in Russian].

12. Kaznacheev V.P., Spirin E.A. Kosmopolitarnyiy fenomen cheloveka: kompleks sotsioprirodnnyih svoystv. Chelovek v sisteme nauk [The cosmopolitan phenomenon of man: a complex of socio-natural properties. Man in the system of sciences]. –M.: Nauka.1980. P.21-133 [in Russian]. 

13. Kaznacheev V.P. Fenomen cheloveka [Human phenomenon]. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskoe kn. izd.-vo.1991. 126 p. {In Russian]

14. Kaznacheev V.P., Demin D.V. O Strategii i taktike reform s pozitsii geopolitiki vyizhivaniya i bezopasnosti natsiy/ Reformiruemaya Rossiya: Sotsialnyiy aspekt. Materialyi 2-y nauchnoy konferentsii [On the Strategy and Tactics of Reforms from the Position of the Geopolitics of the Survival and Security of Nations / Reformed Russia: Social Aspect. Materials of the 2nd scientific conference.]. Novosibirsk,  1994. P. 9 – 27 [in Russian].

15. Kaznacheev V. P. Zdorove natsii. Prosveschenie. Obrazovanie [Health of the nation. Enlightenment. Education.]. M.: Kostroma. 1996. 248 p. [In Russian].

16. Kaznacheev V.P. Problemyi chelovekovedeniya [Problems of human science]. M.: Issledovatelskiy tsentr problem kachestva podgotovki spetsialistov [Research Center for the problems of the quality of training.]. 1997. 352 p. [In Russian].

17. Kaznacheev V.P. Neskolko slov ob obschey patologii cheloveka kak estestvenno-prirodnoy nauke i putyah ee razvitiya v oblasti meditsinyi. Preprint [A few words about the general pathology of man as a natural science and the ways of its development in the field of medicine. Preprint]. Novosibirsk: NII obschey patologii i ekologii cheloveka. NTsKEM SO RAMN [Research Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology. Scientific Center of Clinical Experimental Medicine SB RAMS], 1999. 19 p. [in Russian]

18. Kaznacheev V.P., Polyakov Ya.V. Akulov A.I., Mingazov I.F. Problemyi «Sfinksa XXI veka». Vyizhivanie naseleniya Rossii [Problems of the "Sphinx of the 21st Century". Survival of the population of Russia.]. Novosibirsk: Nauka.2002. 232p. [In Russian].

19. Kaznacheev V.P., Akulov A.I., Kiselnikov A.A., Mingazov I.F. Vyizhivanie naseleniya Rossii. Problemyi «Sfinksa XXI veka». 2-e izd., pererab. i dop./Pod red. Akad. V.P. Kaznacheeva [Survival of the population of Russia. Problems of the "Sphinx of the 21st Century". 2nd ed., Revised. and add. / Ed. Acad. V.P. Kaznacheev]. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Novosibirskogo universiteta [Publishing House of Novosibirsk University]. 2002. 463 p.  [In Russian].

20. Kaznacheev V.P., Trofimov A.V. Ocherki prirode zhivogo veschestva i intellekta na planete Zemlya: Problemyi kosmopolitarnoy antropoekologii [Essays on the nature of living matter and intelligence on planet Earth: Problems of cosmopolitan anthropoecology.]. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 2004. 312 p. [In Russian].

21. Kaznacheev V.P. Dumyi o buduschem: Rukopisi iz stola [Thoughts on the Future: Manuscripts from the Table]. Novosibirsk: Izdatel.2004.  208 p. [In Russian].

 22. Kaznacheev V.P., Kiselnikov A.A., Mingazov I.F. Noosfernoy ekologii i ekonomike cheloveka»: «Problemyi Sfinksa 21 veka»/ Pod red. Akad. V.P. Kaznacheeva [Noosphere Ecology and Human Economics: «Problems of the Sphinx of the 21st Century» / Ed. Acad. V.P. Kaznacheev]. Novosibirsk: OOO Sibirskaya poligraficheskaya kompaniya «DYuNAS» [LLC Siberian Printing Company DUNAS.]. 2005. 448 p. [In Russian].

23. Kaznacheev V.P., Subbotin M.Ya. Etyudyi k teorii obschey patologii [Studies on the theory of general pathology]. Novosibirsk: Nauka.1971. 229 p. [In Russian].

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