Archive Siberian Research, 2019, 2, (2) > Cities of the North-Eastern Siberia-en

Cities of the North-West of Yakutia (XVII – XVIII centuries): managerial aspect


Petrov P.P.


Annotation. The problem of the emergence and improvement of the management system of jails and
wintering places is one of the main issues of the researches aimed at investigating regional history, especially
taking into account the fact that administrative changes within the investigated places resulted in their
transformation into cities.

Key words: winter house, city, decrees, Verkhnevilyuysk, Olensk, Vilyuysk.

For citations: Petrov P.P. Cities of the north-west of Yakutia: managerial aspect // Siberian Research. 2019.
2(2). P. 42–50.

Received October 1, 2019, accepted for publication November 20, 2019, published December 1, 2019.


About author

PETROV Panteleimon Panteleimonovich, candidate of Historical Sciences, senior researcher Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 677027, Yakutsk, St. Petrovsky 1, Russia, e-mail:




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Humanitarian Research
Action member of the Petrovsky Academy of Arts and Sciences, associate professor of the Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts

Yu.V. Spiridonov


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of the English edition
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of English Philology Institute of Foreign Phi-lology and Area Studies, North-Eastern Federal University

S.V. Filippova