Archive Siberian Research, 2019, 1, (1)  >  Decreased Sun’s activity 

Decreased Sun’s activity will lead to a small ice age 


D.G. Tikhonov, V.A. Vladimirtsev


     Due to the cold weather in 2014 and 2018-2019, millions of people around the world began to pay attention to the problem of «global cooling». In our country this problem has become known thanks to the publications of an article of physicist H. Abdussamatov in «Science and Life» (2009) and an interview with an English Professor of Mathematics V. Zharkova in a popular Russian newspaper «Komsomolskaya Pravda» (2018). During the preparation of the materials, we talked with many climate researchers in Russia and abroad, and we met some unanimous opinions based on the firm belief that climate warming will occur. The point of view of «climate warming» is so widespread that it seems a self-evident truth, it is unequivocal and does not need special evidence, and any attempt to challenge it may seem a hopeless effort.
     But Russian physicist H. Abdussamatov and English Professor of Mathematics V. Zharkova firmly claim the onset of global cooling in the middle of this century. We asked them to tell us about the latest results of their research. The Sun determines the Earth’s climate



1. Abdussamatov H. I. Ob umenshenii potoka solnechnogo izlucheniya i ponizhenii globalnoy temperaturyi Zemli do sostoyaniya glubokogo poholodaniya v seredine XXI veka [On reducing the flow of solar radiation and lowering the global temperature of the Earth to a state of deep cooling in the middle of the XXI century]. Izvestiya Kryimskoy observatorii [News Of The Crimean Observatory]. 2007, 103, № 4. - P. 292-298 [In Russian].

2. Abdusamatov H. I. Sravnitelnyiy analiz pogreshnosti monitoringa globalnogo energeticheskogo byudzheta Zemli Lunnoy observatoriey i orbitalnyimi kosmicheskimi apparatami [Comparative Analysis of the Error in Monitoring the Global Energy Budget of the Earth by the Lunar Observatory and Orbital Spacecrafts]. Issledovanie Zemli iz kosmosa. [Study of Earth from space]. 2018. № 3. P. 101–116. DOI: 10.7868/S0205961418030089 [In Russian].

3. Abdussamatov H.I. The New Little Ice Age Has Started. In: Evidence-Based Climate Science. Data opposing CO2 emissions as the primary. Source of Global Warming. Second Edition. Ed. By Don J. Easterbrook. Amsterdam; Tokyo. 2016. P. 307 – 328.

4. Zharkova V., Shepherd S., Popova E.P., Zharkov S. Heartbeat of the sun from principal component analysis and prediction of solar activity on millennium scale. // Scientific reports. 2015. V. 5. P. 1–11.

5. Zharkova V.V., Shepherd S.J., Zharkov S.I. Principal Component analysis of background and sunspot magnetic field variations during solar cycles 21–23. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 2012. V. 424. Issue: 4, Aug. 2012. P. 2943–2953. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.21436.x.

6. Zharkova V. V., Shepherd S. J., Popova E., Zharkov, S. I. (2017). Reinforcing a Double Dynamo Model with Solar-Terrestrial Activity in the Past Three Millennia. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13(S335). P. 211 – 215.