Archive > Siberian Research, 2019, 1, (1)
Global forecast of the consequences of climate warming in the Northern hemisphere
D.G. Tikhonov, V.A. Vladimirtsev
Decreased Sun’s activity will lead to a little ice age
D.G. Tikhonov, V.A. Vladimirtsev
Vilyuisk encephalomyelitis. Infectious nature of the disease and pathogenesis (Review)
D.G. Tikhonov, V.A. Vladimirtsev
D.G. Tikhonov, C. Gurkan, K.D. Demirdov, E. Beyoglu
The first doctor from the indigenous peoples of Siberia
V. P. Nikolaev
About risks of Arctic infrastructure at permafrost degradation (Сomment on the article)
A.N. Fedorov
of the "Natural Sciences" issue
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the North-Eastern Federal University
L.G. Chibiyeva
Humanitarian Research
Action member of the Petrovsky Academy of Arts and Sciences, associate professor of the Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts
Yu.V. Spiridonov
of the English edition
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of English Philology Institute of Foreign Phi-lology and Area Studies, North-Eastern Federal University
S.V. Filippova