The Phenomenon of Human difference: surgeon-inventor, scientist-researcher, writer-prose writer Innokenty Innokentyevich Vinokurov


Vinokurova O.A., Vinokurova M.I.



Nature-oriented upbringing and significant moments of life that accompanied Innokenty Innokentyevich Vinokurov from childhood became the basis for the formation of his personality as a surgeon, scientist, and writer. The formation of a professional's personality took place in the extreme conditions of the Far North, then in the team of a large scientific institution, which motivated the search for health-saving methods of surgical interventions and constant self-improvement of the level of one's qualifications. An innovative approach to professional activity has become the core of many scientific discoveries and inventions. Achievement of qualitatively significant results in the field of practical surgery, organization of the health care system, scientific activities were successfully combined with the development of the creative potential of I. Vinokurov as a writer. Bright literary works created by a talented writer are evidence of the versatility of his talent. The source of his success was not only natural talent, character traits, but also love for his native land and for his people. The life of a multifaceted personality was brutally interrupted by the terrible epidemic of the 21st century caused by the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The study of the personality of the outstanding son of the Evenk people I. Vinokurov is an actual topic of scientific knowledge of various fields of science.


Key words: Innokenty Innokentyevich Vinokurov, multifaceted personality, surgeon, innovative methods of surgical interventions, thoracic surgery, invention, pulmonary tuberculosis, morphogenesis of various types of tuberculomas.


For citations: Vinokurova O.A., Vinokurova M.I. The phenomenon of Human difference: surgeon-inventor, scientist-researcher, writer-prose writer Innokenty Innokentyevich Vinokurov. Siberian Research. 1(5). P. 44 - 51. 


Received May 8, 2021, accepted for publication May 23, 2021, published June 1, 2021.




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10. Rubinstein, S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology - Publisher: Peter, 2002, 720 p.


Scientific publications of I.I. Vinokurova


1. Vinokurov I.I. Pulmonary tuberculomas in the conditions of the Yakutia region (epidemiology, pathogenesis, morphology, clinical picture, treatment): Monograph. –Yakutsk: Yakutsk State University Publishing House. - 2008.-168 p.

2. Vinokurov, II Immunogenetic aspects of the clinical course and treatment of tuberculous pleurisy in Yakutia / II Vinokurov // Fight against tuberculosis in the Far North. Results, problems, prospects: abstracts. report interregion. scientific. -practice. conf., dedicated. 50th anniversary of the foundation. YAFIT AMS USSR, June 15-16, 2000 - Yakutsk, 2000 .-- S. 105-107.

3. Vinokurov, II To the question of patormophosis and tactics of surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the Yakutia region / II Vinokurov // Problems of tuberculosis in Yakutia: epidemiology, organization and treatment: collection of articles. tr. I (XX1V) / YANIIT MZ RS (Y). - Yakutsk, 2002 .-- S. 160-164.

4. Vinokurov, II Clinical and morphological features of pulmonary tuberculosis in the Far North / II Vinokurov, VA Argunov, Yu. Ya. Nikolaev, NV Plotnikova // Problems of tuberculosis and lung diseases. - 2008. - No. 7. - P. 44-47.

5. Vinokurov, II Clinical and morphological substantiation of surgical treatment with pulmonary tuberculosis / II Vinokurov // Problems of tuberculosis and lung diseases. - 2009. - No. 4. - S. 28-31.

6. Vinokurov, II Clinical significance of the HLA phenotype in pulmonary tuberculosis in the Yakut population / II Vinokurov, Yu. A. Khokholov // Problems of tuberculosis in Yakutia: epidemiology, organization and treatment: collection of articles. tr. III (XXVI) based on the materials of the rep. scientific. -practice. conf. "Development and implementation of new technologies on the problems of tuberculosis" / YANIIT MH RS (Y). - Yakutsk, 2004 .-- P. 131-138.

7. Vinokurov, II Clinical significance of genetic markers in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis / II Vinokurov, LM Eminova, KP Samsonova // Man, environment and tuberculosis: abstracts. report scientific nract. conf., Yakutsk, 20–21 nov. 1997 - Yakutsk, 1997 .-- P. 94.

8. Vinokurov, II Clinical course of tuberculous pleurisy in the Far North / II Vinokurov // Problems of tuberculosis. - 2001. - No. 9. - S. 40-42.

9.         Винокуров, И. И. Клиническое течение туберкулезного плеврита в условиях Крайнего Севера / И. И. Винокуров // Проблемы туберкулеза в Якутии : эпидемиология, организация и лечение : сб. тр. I (XXIV) / ЯНИИТ МЗ РС (Я). – Якутск, 2002. – С. 184-187.

10.       Винокуров, И. И. Коррекция волемических нарушений при многоэтапных операциях у больных туберкулезом легких / И. И. Винокуров // VI республ.науч.-практ.конф.молодых ученых и спец., посвящ. XXVII съезду КПСС : тез.докл. – Ч. IV. – Якутск, 1986. – С. 116-117.

11. Vinokurov, II Morphological manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis in Yakutia / II Vinokurov // Guryev Dmitry Afanasevich: scientific materials. -practice. conf. "Thoracic surgery of Yakutia", dedicated. to the 100th anniversary of his birth. Life and work of an outstanding surgeon. Memories. Akhtyilar / YANIIT MZ RS (Y). - Yakutsk, 2006. - S. 30–35.

12. Vinokurov, I. I. A new method of osteoplastic surgery for purulent-destructive diseases of the lungs, bronchial fistulas and pleural empyema / I. I. Vinokurov, A. S. Delakhov // Improving the organization of anti-tuberculosis measures in the Far North and Far East: materials interregion. scientific. -practical conference, Yakutsk, February 12-14, 2013 - Yakutsk, 2013 .-- S. 219-221.

13. Vinokurov, II A new method of osteoplastic surgery for purulent-destructive diseases of the lungs, bronchial fistulas and pleural empyema (guidelines) / II Vinokurov, VE Shamaev // Tyrylgin Mikhail Afanasevich: scientific materials. - practical conference, dedicated to 75 years old., Yakutsk, 4 October. 2013 - Yakutsk, 2013 .-- S. 89-98.

14. Vinokurov, I. I. A new method of osteoplastic surgery for destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial fistulas and pleural empyema / I. I. Vinokurov, V. E. Shamaev, K. G. Basharin, D. K. Garmaeva // Yakutsk medical journal. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 50-53.

15. Vinokurov, II A new method of surgery in the clinic of pulmonary tuberculosis: clavicular-costal thoracoplasty / II Vinokurov, AF Kravchenko, VE Shamaev // Tuberculosis and lung diseases. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 87.

16. Vinokurov, II Organization of the work of the anti-tuberculosis dispensary to improve the surgical recovery of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and its impact on the epidemiology of tuberculosis (on the example of the Verkhnevilyui anti-tuberculosis dispensary) / I. I. Vinokurov, A. F. Kravchenko, V. V. Eliseev // Problems of tuberculosis in Yakutia: epidemiology, organization and treatment: collection of articles. tr. VI (XXIX) / SPC "Phthisiology" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). - Yakutsk, 2008 .-- P. 46-56.

17. Vinokurov, II Organization of surgical treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with multidrug resistance in the Far North region / II Vinokurov, N. Kh. Afanasyev, AS Delakhov // Improving the organization of anti-tuberculosis measures in conditions The Far North and the Far East: materials interregion. scientific. -practical conference, Yakutsk, February 12-14, 2013 - Yakutsk, 2013 .-- S. 50-53.

18. Vinokurov, II Basic principles of selection with pulmonary tuberculomas for surgical treatment in the Far North region / II Vinokurov // Yakutsk medical journal. - 2011. - No. 1. - S. 48-50.

19. Vinokurov, II On the problem of the effectiveness of various methods of surgical treatment for repeated amputation of the stump of the main bronchus / II Vinokurov, AF Kravchenko // New priorities in anti-tuberculosis work in the circumpolar regions of the Arctic: materials of the symp. from international participation, Yakutsk, 3-4 Sept., 2015 - Yakutsk, 2015 .-- S. 133-136.

20. Vinokurov, II Improvement of surgical care in patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis by developing a new high-tech method of surgery / II Vinokurov, AF Kravchenko, VE Shamaev // Tuberculosis and lung diseases. - 2015. - No. 6. - P. 41-42.


List of works by I.I. Vinokurov


1. Vinokurov I.I. Deer paths to the diamond deposits of Yakutia: memories. - Yakutsk: National Book Publishing House "Bichik", 2007. - 80 p.

2. Vinokurov I.I. Mirage: a story. - J. "Polar Star", 2013. No. 6. - ss. 88 - 91.

3. Vinokurov II-Tagus. Love in the yaranga: a novel. - Yakutsk: National Book Publishing House "Bichik", 2013. - 320 p.

4. Vinokurov II-Tagus. Us sakha tordo (Ancestors of the Yakuts): a novel. - Dyokuuskai: Bichik, 2016 .-- 400 p.

5. Vinokurov II-Tagus. The Golden Empire of the Tungus "Aisin Gurun": a novel. 2020 g.




Information about authors


VINOKUROVA Oksana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Director of the Republican correctional boarding school for deaf students, Yakutsk, Russia.


VINOKUROVA Maria Innokentievna, Postgraduate Student of the North-Eastern Federal University named after V.I. M.K. Ammosova, Senior Lecturer at the Yakutsk College of Innovative Technologies, Yakutsk, Russia.












































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