The first doctor from the indigenous peoples of Siberia


V.P. Nikolaev



The article is dedicated to the life and work of P.N. Sokolnikov, one of the first doctors from the small peoples of Siberia. Collegiate Councillor, a holder of the Order of St. Stanislav III degree and St. Anne III degree, P.N. Sokolnikov, who gained authority and respect, was one of the doctors and public figures of the beginning of the 20th century in the distant outskirts of the Russian Empire - Yakut region.

Keywords: Yakut region, Boturussky ulus, Moscow University, district doctor, public figure.

For citation: Nikolaev V. P. The first doctor from the indigenous peoples of Siberia // Siberian Research.
2019. 1(1). С. 53 - 57. 

Reseived Februar 11 2019; accepted for publication Marср 10 2019; published April 01 2019.



1. NIKOLAEV Valerian Parfentyevich, PhD, Yakut scientific center of complex medical problems, 677019, Yakutsk, Sergelehskoye Highway 4, Russia, e-mail:



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