Fulfilling the duty of a citizen and a doctor ...


Nikolaev V.P.


Annotation. The article is devoted to the biography of one of the first military doctors, a participant in the First World War from the indigenous peoples of Siberia I.N. Skryabin. In 1914 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Imperial Tomsk University. After graduation, he was immediately called up to the front of the First World War. He was captured, knowledge of the German language saved him from being shot. Returning to Russia, he participated in the Civil War as a brigade doctor of the Ural division. In 1920 he returned to his native Yakutia. He put a lot of effort and energy, knowledge and experience into the establishment of healthcare and its further development in Yakutia. He would have done a lot for health care, but his health, undermined by the war, interrupted his life at the age of 33 on December 7, 1923 in Yakutsk


Key words: I.N. Scriabin, biography, Military doctor, World war I, Civil war, Healthcare organization, Yakutia.


For citation: Nikolaev V.P. Fulfilling the duty of a citizen and a doctor ...// Siberian Research. 2021. 1(5). P.  20 - 25           http://doi.org/10.33384/26587270.2021.05.01.04r 


Received January 16, 2021, accepted  for publication May 20, 2021, published June 1, 2021.





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 About the author


NIKOLAEV Valerian Parfentyevich, Doctor of Medicine, member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Сибирские исследования (Siberian Research)", e-mail: nikolaevvalerian@mail.ru














































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